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DUBLIN – The Bladen Community College Small Business Center (SBC) urges you to “catch
the Back to School fever” by signing up for its ongoing classes, workshops, and seminars at no-
cost to business owners, non-profits, and entrepreneurs in the region.

Just this week as students return to their schools and are excited about a new academic year, the
BCC SBC has a line-up of a convenient webinars and seminars. For example, “Legal Liability
of Starting a Business” is a webinar that gives you an opportunity to hear from and ask an
attorney what you need to know about legally starting a business.

In addition, if you do any handmade goods or know someone who does, the “Making Sales on
ETSY” seminar would be a great learning experience.  This seminar is an orientation to
Etsy.com, a world online marketplace with MILLIONS of sellers (and MILLIONS of buyers!).
It is another good example of what the SBC has to offer for a wide variety of audiences.
More offerings sponsored by the BCC SBC are in store for the month of September and
scheduled for the rest of the year.

We’re very proud of what the SBC has to offer to the community, said Todd Lyden, director of the Small Business Center of Bladen Community College. Small business centers make a significant difference in their local communities, helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams of starting businesses.  Come visit us in the new incubator center and learn more how we can help.”

“The small-business centers, located at all 58 community colleges, are key factors in North
Carolina’s economic development efforts.  We applaud them for the significant impact they
make each day. We are especially proud of our center and its new location, remarked Amanda
Lee, president of Bladen Community College.

For more information, contact Todd Lyden at 910 879-5572 or visit our website

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