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1814 – “Star Spangled Banner” published as a song, lyrics by Francis Scott Key, tune by John Stafford Smith.

1859 – George Simpson patents electric range.

1870 – Mayor William Tweed accused of robbing NY treasury.

1893 – The first gasoline-powered car debuts in Springfield, Massachusetts.

1904 – Orville & Wilbur Wright fly a circle in their Flyer II.

1922 – Rogers Hornsby ends hitting streak at 33 games.

1945 – German rocket engineers begin work in US.

1946 – Churchill argues for a ‘United States of Europe’.

1961 – James Meredith refused enrollment to the segregated University of Mississippi.

1963 – JFK proposes a joint US-Soviet voyage to the moon.

1967 – Hurricane Beulah hits Texas-Mexican border, kills 38.

1979 – Lee Iacocca is elected President of the Chrysler Corporation.

1980 – Bronze plaque dedicated to memory of Thurman Munson at Yankee Stadium.

1988 – Darrell Evans hits his 400th career home run.

1992 – Space shuttle STS-47 (Endeavor 2) lands.

1997 – Yanks clinch 37th appearance in post season, 3rd consecutive.

2001 – In an address to a joint session of Congress and the American people, US President George W. Bush declares a “war on terror”

2010 – The National Bureau of Economic Research state today that the US left the recession in June 2019, with managing director Lakshman Achuthan of the Economic Cycle Research Institute saying GDP recovered to 70% of the pre-recession level.

2011 – The United States ends its “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, allowing gay men and women to serve openly for the first time.

2015 – Martin Shkreli, CEO of Turning Pharmaceuticals, confirms raising the price of toxoplasmosis drug Daraprim by 5,000%.

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