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1639 – First Post Office in the colonies is set up in Massachusetts.

1773 – John Hancock is elected as moderator at a Boston town meeting that resolves that anyone who supports the Tea Act is an “Enemy to America”

1895 – 1st US patent granted for auto (George B Selden) for gasoline driven car.

1911 – Calbraith Rodgers arrives in Pasadena completing 1st transcontinental airplane flight (49 days) (left Sheepshead Bay, NY, September 17).

1916 – The Everett Massacre takes place in Everett, Washington as political differences lead to a shoot-out between IWW organizers and local police.

1935 – Parker Brothers launches game of Monopoly.

1940 – Franklin D. Roosevelt is re-elected President of the United States for an unprecedented third term, defeating Republican candidate Wendell Willkie.

1946 – John F. Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) elected to US House of Representatives.

1953 – Paul Searls saws a 32″ log in 86.4 seconds.

1964 – US launches Mariner 3 towards Mars, no data returned.

1967 – ATS-3 launched by US to take first pictures of full earth disc.

1967 – US troops conquer Loc Ninh, South Vietnam.

1968 – Republican candidate Richard Nixon is elected President of the United States, defeating Democrat candidate Hubert Humphrey and Independent candidate George Wallace.

1974 – Walter E. Washington becomes first elected mayor of Washington, D.C.

1976 – New American League baseball franchises to Seattle & Toronto fill up their rosters.

1976 – Pittsburgh Pirates trade Manny Sanguillen & $100,000 to A’s for manager Chuck Tanner.

1981 – Former Miami Dolphin, Mercury Morris, is sentenced to 20 years for drug trafficking, conspiracy & possession of cocaine.

1988 – Cornell confirms grad student source of worst computer sabotage.

1996 – Bill Clinton is re-elected President of the United States, defeating Republican candidate Bob Dole.

2009 – US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan (US Army Medical Corps) killed 13 and wounded 43 at Fort Hood, Texas in the largest mass shooting ever at a US military installation.

2017 – US President Donald Trump begins a 12-day trip to Asia in Toyko, Japan.

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