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Filing for local political offices attracted incumbents, former office holders and newcomers on the first day … See our news page for all. The filing season will close noon, Friday, December 20. Primary election will be March 3 and the general election on November 3. The primary election has been held in May for many years, but changed in recent years by the legislature, hopeful than an earlier date would result in North Carolina having more of an impact on the national election.

Bladen County Commissioners elected Ray Britt last night as their chairman for the coming year, David Gooden was re-elected vice chairman. Britt replaces Charles Ray Peterson.

Late NFL action results … Seattle Seahawks 37 – Minnesota Vikings 30.

I attended the annual Elizabethtown Rescue Squad Christmas party last evening … one of only two squads still operating in the county, the other is Bladenboro. The number of volunteers continues to shrink. … They are being replaced by paid services. … Remember when there were rescue squads all over the county. … Kelly, Tar Heel, Clarkton, Bladenboro, Elizabethtown … a sign of the times … too much to do and too few to do it. … Current members work hard and deserve support. And the number of former members is shrinking … some deceased, others dealing with various issues. … I remember them as public servants providing a very important service when there was no other option. Let me be clear, I am proud of the paid EMS today.

Two siblings are safe and sound in Japan. Departed Philadelphia early Monday morning, received a text at 4:09 a.m. today (Tuesday) that they had arrived. … They will be there for several days, one visiting a son, the other a nephew (same individual). He is in the Navy, assigned to the USS Ronald Reagan, patrolling that part of the world.

“The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her” Marcelene Cox

“You can tell what was the best year of your father’s life, because they seem to freeze that clothing style and ride it out.” Jerry Seinfeld

Shortest horror story ever … Sold Out.

robert g hester

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