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1816 – Patent for a dry dock issued to John Adamson, Boston.

1879 – First federal fish hatching steamer launched (Wilmington, Delaware)

1903 – Italo Marcioni patents ice cream cone mound (New Jersey)

1922 – Charles Ebbets proposes putting numbers on players’ sleeves and caps.

1928 – Clip-on tie designed.

1938 – Los Angeles freezes at 28 degrees F.

1944 – Japanese kamikaze crashes into US cruiser Nashville, kills 138.

1947 – Maine Turnpike opens to traffic.

1949 – American League votes down proposal to revive spitball.

1962 – Relay 1 communication satellite launched.

1964 – In El Paso, Texas, LBJ & Mexican President Gustavo Ordaz set San an explosion diverting Rio Grande, to reshape US-Mexican border.

1967 – San Diego, CA records snow at a zero elevation after temperatures plunge 19 degrees (F) in eight hours.

1969 – Arlo Guthrie releases “Alice’s Restaurant”

1974 – Jim “Catfish” Hunter wins free agent claim against A’s owner Finley.

1983 – Martha Layne Collins inaugurated as Kentucky’s 1st female governor.

1992 – FCC fines Infinity Broadcasting $600,000.

1994 – American Eagle commuter plane crashes in North Carolina, killing 15.

1995 – US Federal Court votes that Cable companies must carry local stations.

2014 – A civil rights protest march in Washington, D.C. takes place, against the police killing of unarmed black man.

2018 – Apple announces $1billion campus in Austin, Texas and expansion in other US cities.

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