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Was yesterday a beautiful day (weatherwise) or not? Lots of sunshine, temp in the low 70s…

Forecast for today, a chance of showers, possibly a thunderstorm after 1 p.m. Cloudy, high near 74. Windy, gusts as high as 25 mph and 70% chance of rain. Weather changes overnight. Tomorrow’s high near 50, Thursday, sunny with high near 43.

NFL action last night…New Orleans Saints 34 – Indianapolis Colts 7.

2 siblings winging their way home from Japan over the next few hours…pray for safe travels…

Strugglin’, attempting to adjust to Windows 10…I know, most have already made the change, I am a procrastinator, hang on to the old for as long as possible and struggle with new products. Support for Windows 7 ends shortly after the first of the year…

Filing for 2020 political season ends ‘high noon’ Friday.

Property taxes due early January, 2020….

I know, all that have been mentioned in the past….but there are those among us who wait ’til the last minute…Also time to begin getting records together for Uncle Sam (‘tax time.’)

Santa Claus is coming to town, in about a week….Be ye also ready. The big ’round man in the red suit waits on no one….lots to do in a short time.

“Anyone who believes that men are the equal of women has never seen a man trying to wrap a Christmas present.”

“What I like about Christmas is that you can make people forget the past with the present.” Don Marquis

“Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall.” Larry Wilde

robert g hester

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