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The White Lake “Lake” Water Management Project Update, the presentation of the 2018-19 Fiscal Year Audit, and the Town of White Lake Multi-Use Path Project – Phase II are only a few of the items on the agenda for the upcoming Town of White Lake Board of Commissioners meeting.

At a workshop in November, it was announced, Dr. Diane Lauritsen created a website and email address to assist with communication about the lake water management project. The website is www.whitelakewatch.com and email address is info@whitelakewatch.com w

The website contains information on the work performed in the project, the work in progress, lake monitoring updates, and lake management planning workshops. The latest White Lake monitoring report published on the town’s website was from July, 2019.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, Januray 14th, 2020 at the Town Hall located at 1879 White Lake Drive in White Lake.

View the agenda:

Town of White Lake meeting agenda

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