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If you have been wishing for, praying for cold weather … think your prayers has been answered. … Mid 20s this AM, high for today in the low 40s … low tonight around 24 degrees. Looking ahead, Wednesday’s high near 49, high Thursday in the low 50s and Friday’s high in the low 60s. Rain in the forecast for Friday and Saturday…

It’s mornings like this one that I recall when we heated with wood or coal. Back up to the heater … get warm and off to bed in a cold room … and someone had to rise early to re-kindle the fire. … We are spoiled and blessed today. … I realize many do not understand … but that’s the way it was for many in the 1940s and 50s in rural Bladen County and surrounding areas…

Unusual activity in the nations capitol for the next few days. … I will not be glued to the TV. … I prefer to get my news from highly partisan friends on social media who are not interested in facts … one way or the other … probably know about as much about it as I do … which is very little. … Actually, I refused to participate … period. … I do not have a vote … and, if I did have a vote … I hope I would vote my conscience … based on the facts as I understood … and not by hearsay from my friends and neighbors … lawyers and politicians…

For the next few hours/days we will forget the wall, the national debt, the economy, Iran, Iraq and tariffs on China, elections, etc. … It’s the world we live in. The greatest nation in the world…

If you could be in charge of local government, at the state or national level and make one change … something you think would make this county, state and nation a better place to live, work and play … what would it be????

Well … we can play what if. … What if we were one of the 100 US Senators who do have a vote in DC?

If you are not big enough to lose you are too small to win.

“If you are not enjoying your work, you should either change your attitude or change your job.” Leo Tolstoy

“If you are not fired with enthusiasm, then you will be fired with enthusiasm.” Vince Lombardi

robert g hester

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