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Bladen Community College’s Spring 2020 Humanities and Fine Art Series will host Dr. Joseph Ross on February 24, 2020 at 11:00am. Dr. Joseph Ross will speak about Judge John Parker who served as the alternate U.S. judge for the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial that brought ranking members of the Nazi party to trial for planning and carrying out the holocaust. This event is open to the public and will take place in the teaching auditorium in BCC’s new Workforce Development Building.

Dr. Joseph A. Ross will examine the life and career of Judge John J. Parker, often considered to be a largely forgotten, but nonetheless important figure in both North Carolina and U.S. history.  Born in Monroe, North Carolina in 1885, Parker served as the alternate U.S. judge for the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial.  In the aftermath of World War II, the Allied powers convened the War Crimes Trial in Nuremberg.  A first of its kind, the tribunal brought ranking members of the Nazi party and members of the German military to trial for planning, committing, or carrying out the Holocaust and additional war crimes.

Joseph A. Ross’ Ph.D. in history is from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG), where he focused on the development of international human rights law. His current project traces the evolution of human rights concepts by focusing on American participants who were at the center of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial—Robert Jackson, Francis Biddle, and John Parker.

Ross has more than twelve years of college teaching experience and has taught a wide range of courses, such as the history of the Holocaust and genocide, war crimes trials and transitional justice, and American foreign relations. He currently serves as a Teaching Assistant Professor in the Peace, War, and Defense curriculum at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and as a Lecturer at UNCG. When he’s not teaching, Ross enjoys playing basketball, hiking, and traveling.

This program is made possible by a grant from the North Carolina Humanities Council, a statewide nonprofit and affiliate of the National Endowment. For more information, contact Dr. Joyce Bahhouth at 910.879.5540 or at jbahhouth@bladencc.edu.

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