Thoughts While Shaving
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My thoughts are my thoughts only … not for the purpose of spreading fear … just the facts, as best I understand.

I have discovered it doesn’t take much to eliminate toilet paper, paper towels and other such products … from the nearby retail outlets.

Dow Jones Industrial Averages have dropped from 26,703 on March 1st to 19,124 at close of day … yesterday. On Valentine’s Day, the Dow was in the 29,550 range.

It’s not just the fact that the market is headed south, but the pace is a concern … and U.S. Intelligence reports from January and February warned about a likely pandemic, according to numerous sources, so much so that 4 or 5 members of the Senate Intelligence Committee sold stock, for whatever the reason, but timing is suspicious.

Facts are facts … just need to be aware.

We will survive and recover, but will take time … don’t know when, but we are still the envy of the world … even without toilet paper and paper towels.

The pace of the decline is scary … not caused by finances … but is affecting finances … reportedly caused by a health issue, in a foreign country … not a Democrat nor Republican issue. … It began in a communist nation … China, best I can tell from multiple news sources.

Time for all to reach out and help those in need. … Government assistance is in the planning stage, but takes time … and may not reach those facing the biggest needs … food and shelter … at a pace we hope for … again … facts are facts.

Many places of worship will not be open tomorrow … but some are planning online services … not sure I understand totally, but will be watching … hoping and praying, for a return to normal or near normal situation. … Can I get an AMEN?

“Learn from mistakes….don’t just ignore them”

“Time is the coin of life. Only you can determine how it will be spent”

robert g hester

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