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By: John S Kiernan, Managing Editor  •  Apr 6, 2020

On a normal Easter Sunday, millions of Americans participate in group activities like going to church services, having large family dinners or hunting for Easter eggs. However, with more than 50 percent of U.S. states in some form of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the government encouraging all Americans to practice social distancing, this is not a normal Easter. The economy will certainly feel the effects, too, considering that 68 percent of Americans who observe Easter say coronavirus will affect their Easter spending this year, according to a nationally representative survey conducted by WalletHub.

WalletHub’s survey aimed to find out how Americans’ Easter plans have changed from last year, as well as to gauge people’s attitudes on the crisis in the context of the Easter season and religion.

Key Stats

  • Worshippers don’t want to stay home: 56% of Americans who went to church on Easter Sunday last year say they will go to church for Easter this year, if it is open.
  • Republicans are more likely to attend services: Republicans are almost three times more likely than Democrats to attend church on Easter this year, if it is open.
  • Pandemics make us appreciate family and health more: The coronavirus has made Americans most grateful for their family (40%), followed by health (30%) and then freedom (13%).
  • Traditional Easter spending is down: Almost half of Easter-celebrating Americans are skipping out on candy, new outfits and Easter foods this year, in contrast with prior years.
  • COVID-19 itself is scarier than financial troubles: 68% of Americans are more worried about the coronavirus than the U.S. economy.
  • Many Americans think lockdowns should last: About half of Americans believe that non-essential business, restaurants and travel should not restart for at least 3 months.

Source: WalletHub

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