Thoughts While Shaving
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4 deaths now linked to COVID-19 in Bladen County…

Federal government will pay vaccine maker Novavax $1.6 billion to expedite the development of a coronavirus vaccine. It’s the largest deal to date from ‘Operation Warp Speed.’ The deal would pay for Novavax to produce 100 million doses of its new vaccine by the beginning of next year. With that deal, the federal government has now invested nearly $4 billion in companies pursuing vaccines. Six companies with varying track records and, in many cases, promising but untested technologies. British drugmaker AstraZeneca is being provided up to $1.2 billion. Other companies receiving huge ‘bucks’ are Johnson & Johnson, and Sanofie, a French company and there are others…

‘Operation Warp Speed’ is the federal drive to accelerate ways to combat the virus.

Just hope all are successful … USA will have a huge investment in all … Vaccine can’t come too soon … Still think not much will happen before the end of 2020 or early 2021.

I realize professional sports teams are in various stages of preparing to play this season … Not sure I would bet my last dollar on them ‘hitting the field or court’ this season … Just a ‘gut’ feeling … Several big name athletes have announced they will ‘sit out the season’ … and who can blame them … many with young families…

And, what about school for youngsters in 2020-21? … No doubt a strain on the students, teachers, administration, parents and businesses … depending on how the system operates…

Meeting planners are facing tough decisions … There are companies, I am told, who are in the business of assisting businesses with off-site, Zoom-type conferences and conventions … Find a need and fill it … and make $s.

So, how are you doing?

“Mom did you know that if you play in mud and then don’t wash your hands you can get grownupvirus?” Joseph, age 5

Harper: “Mommy, when the coronavirus and sickness are gone, I’ll let you out.” Mom: “You locked us in?” Harper: “Yes, to keep the sickness out.” Harper, age 3.

“I think momma needs a nap” Reid, age 2.

robert g hester

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