Health Grades
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By Cheryl Thurston

Hello again Bladen County, it’s been a few months since my last post here, and it’s good to be back. Have you been out to eat lately? Eating out is a welcome relief from having to cook at home each day. Things may not be exactly back-to-normal yet, but we are moving in that direction. With restaurants limited to 50% capacity and school cafeterias about to gear up for a new term, we tend to be more aware of what we eat and where, but let’s remember to be polite to the other people we meet when we are out in public.

As we go about our daily rounds and visit the eateries we’ve been missing let’s remember to thank the staff and be mindful of all the workers that are essential to our society.

Please check out the health grades report below to view the local establishments which were inspected by the Bladen County Health Department during July. Whenever you go out be sure to take good health with you, and as always, bon appetite.

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