Thoughts While Shaving
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Today is the last day of One Stop Voting in Bladen County and across the state … Polls close at 3 PM. General Election is Tuesday, November 3rd. About half of the voters in the state have already voted…

Trick or Treat is tonight for those who are participating … Some question about the level of activity … Be prepared … If no one comes, you enjoy the candy … Hope you purchased tasty treats. A reminder for parents and guardians … Can’t be too careful … Sometimes youngsters act like youngsters … Give them lots of room…

Time change tonight … Move clocks back one hour … as we bid farewell to October and welcome November…

Cooler weather over the next few days … Sunny today with a high near 65 and windy with gusts up to 18 mph … Tonight, partly cloudy with a low around 49. Sunday, a 20% chance of rain, partly sunny with a high near 71 … and a low around 40 with a stiff northeast wind 8 to 13 mph.

Looking ahead … High Monday near 56, low Monday night around 36 … November type weather…

Remember years ago, church ‘socials’ for youngsters … roast wieners and marshmallows … mmmmm good, and we began to pick us out a girlfriend … but seldom did they know it … You remember those days? How about the first girl (for boys) and boy (for the girls) you thought you were in love with … remember their name?…

Someone recently shared an old picture of a couple that lived near us when we were growing up … They had 3 children, I think, and at least 2 are deceased, maybe all three … as well as mom and dad … Our neighbors helped to mold us and make us who and what we are.

My mom and dad had 6 children … all still able to move about, some better than others … I am among men most richly blessed…

“In a world where you can be anything … Be Kind.”

“There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch.” Robert Brault

“What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?” Squash…

robert g hester

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