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Contributed by Bladen County Schools

Bladen County Schools learned on November 10 that an individual at Tar Heel Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19. Due to privacy requirements and NCGS § 130A-143, we cannot release to the public the name of the individual or details that may identify him or her,
but the information has been provided to the Bladen County Health Department in accordance with NCGS § 130A-136.

The health department is now investigating the case and is working with school staff to identify anyone who may have had close contact (i.e., within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) with this person. The impacted person/s who were determined to be in close contact with the infected
individual have all been notified effective November 11. Those that were in close contact will remain off-campus for up to 14 calendar days to ensure that there will not be any potential further spread. If the health department does not contact you directly, you have not been
identified as a close contact.

The safety and well-being of Bladen County Schools’ students and staff is always our number one priority. We are taking extra steps to ensure the

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