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Thoughts While ShavingThis time next week the West Bladen Dixie Pre-Majors team will be involved in the World Series in Alabama…and  hopefully, we will be providing ‘instant’ coverage….The young men have worked hard to make the trip…and yesterday, they washed cars to raise the money for the trip….We wish you the best….Contributions are still welcomed…..
Other boys and girls are still involved in playoffs…John Clark has the coverage on our sports page…
And, in less than two weeks, high school football practice begins….
Today as we head to our worship place, our needs are many….from the local level to the highest levels of government…..and remember the folks involved in the senseless killings in Chattanooga, TN in your thoughts and prayers…
Bladen County Commissioners meet Monday, 6:30 at the courthouse….
Much on the horizon…..Bladen County Committee of 100 Annual Meeting is set for August 6….Contact the Bladen County Economic Development Office for details.  910-645-2417.  Tickets on sale….$100.
The weather forecast for the next few days is HOT….Heat Index over 100……Plan accordingly…..Any day would be a bad day to visit an outdoor toilet….Hopefully, there are none still in use…..They were bad on a good day and very bad on a hot or cold day…
We really need rain.
From an outside perspective, White Lake appears to be having a good season….and that is good for all…
Summer means happy times and lots of sunshine.  It means going to White Lake or Jones Lake and having fun.
Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.  Sam Keen
Summer bachelors, like summer breezes, are never as cool as they pretend to be.  Nora Ephron
robert g hester
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