Spread the love

by Nicole Smith

We all know someone who has been diagnosed with cancer.  Be it ourselves, a friend, or a family member… It has affected most of us in one way or another.

Established on February 4th, 2000, at the World Cancer Summit Against Cancer for the New Millenium in Paris, World Cancer Day is meant to bring people from all over together to try and bring awareness to cancer and encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment.

This year’s campaign theme, “I Am, and I Will,” seeks to counter the negative attitude and fatalistic belief that nothing can be done about cancer.  Instead, promoting that our own actions can be both powerful and impactful.

This February 4th, let’s do what we can to help in the fight against cancer.  Donate to a foundation you support…  If you can’t donate, share information about the foundation so that others may better know what they can do.  Visit or call someone you know who may be suffering.  A kind word goes a long way.

For more ideas on what you can do in support of World Cancer Day, visit their official website at https://www.worldcancerday.org/.

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