Spread the love

By Nicole Smith

We all need a little confidence boost every now and then…  To feel appreciated. Someone to notice our new haircut, acknowledge our hard work, or thank us for doing the dishes.

World Compliment Day, celebrated every year on March 1st, was originated by Hans Poortvliet of the Netherlands.  Originally “National Compliment Day”, Hans decided that, after several years of successful celebrations, he would turn it into the world-wide holiday it is today, dedicating the day to radiating positivity.

Everyone benefits from recognition and appreciation.  It’s in our nature, and we should not feel guilty for needing it.  Not only does it feel amazing to receive these things, but it is also incredibly satisfying to give them.

World Compliment Day Activities

  1. Compliment three people

    If you manage to compliment just three separate people today, you will have accomplished everything this holiday has set out to do — spread positivity and joy!

  2. Get creative with your compliments!

    Try writing a nice note or email. Go into detail and be sincere as to why the person you choose to compliment is so appreciated.

  3. Smile and say thank you

    If a situation may not warrant a compliment, try just smiling and offering a genuine “Thank you.” Even a good thank you and smile can make a person feel good, and that’s what this day is all about.

As adults, we tend to have this mindset that we don’t need to reward others, even with just verbal praise, if they are simply doing what is expected of them.  As a result, we are too often left underappreciated and overworked in pursuit of that validation.  Hans himself said “Nothing stimulates more, gives more energy, makes people happier, and, as far as business is concerned,  increases productivity and commitment faster than sincere appreciation. So why not use it a little bit more?”  I couldn’t have said it better myself!

On the World Compliment Day website, it states “If on March 1st every person pays at least three people in his/her environment or (social) network a genuine and sincere compliment we will definitely create the Most Positive Day in the World!”  I challenge all of you to do just that… Not just today, but every day!  If you see a stranger with a pair of shoes you absolutely love, tell them!  Husband/wife took out the trash?  Thank them!  Employee beat that deadline?  Let them know that you appreciate their hard work!

It takes two seconds to brighten someone’s entire day, week, month, or even year.  I think we all have that much time to spare to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

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