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Elizabethtown, N.C., (03/16/2021) – On Monday evening, the BCS Board voted for all students in PK through 12th-grade to return to in-person learning beginning April 12. This is referenced at the state level as “Plan A”. Students will attend school in-person four days a week, with Wednesdays remaining a remote learning and deep cleaning day for schools.

Parents have the option for their child to attend school virtually, however, they must notify their child’s school no later than this Friday, March 19 if they wish to change their child’s current mode of learning. After Friday, students will be presumed to attend school in-person if parents have not notified the school otherwise.

With BCS schools returning to in-person learning four days a week, the meal delivery by bus program will no longer be available except on Wednesdays. This will be the only day that meals will be delivered to students. No-cost breakfast and lunch will be available on in-person learning days for students.


Related Article:

Bladen County Board of Education Approves Plan A: In-Person Learning Option for all Students

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