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by Danna Martínez

Beyond being a sign of friendship, fraternity is a moral value and a link that unites people. Between siblings or relatives, there is a blood bond that will connect them for life. For those fraternal to each other, the bond is created from something more composed than the consanguinity.

The word fraternity comes from the Latin frater, which means brother. A good correspondence or fraternity can develop between brothers or between those who treat each other as such.

Fraternity is synonymous with brotherhood and friendship. Fraternities are often represented in organizations or groups. These groups look for a way to share their tastes and interests supported by values and principles. Moreover, the members of these strive to be a fraternity without having to be consanguineous.

This principle shows that ties can be built on friendship and personal taste. In addition to creating unity in people, the fraternity is rooted in a series of ethics and ideals. Among them are trust, equality, and solidarity.

To delve further into the fraternity, we go back to the context of the French Revolution around 1789. This historical fact left around the world what remains its motto or representative phrase, “Liberté, égalité, fraternité.” The meaning of fraternité or fraternity in the French Revolution was to ally men as if they were brothers. This alliance would be one of the most representative principles of the struggle for the revolution. The basis of the fraternity was respect for the dignity of others. In other words, we are neither more nor less. That is why we must be united.

Fraternity as a sign of the union between people is made up of different characteristics. Here are some of them:

  • Lean on. Whether it’s with homework or supporting them in a bind, support is never too much.
  • Guide. If you know that a friend is doing something wrong, it is imperative to guide him and talk to him about it.
  • Share. Whether it’s material things, time together, or ideas, sharing is an excellent sign of friendship.
  • To motivate. Sometimes we humans need a voice to encourage us to continue. It’s not easy to get out of trouble or start projects if you don’t have the motivation to do it. Being a voice of encouragement doesn’t solve problems, but it can help.

Fraternity between human beings is essential for progress. Social relationships are impossible to avoid. What better way to live with others than to be based on the values of fraternity?

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