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by Danna Martínez

Arguing what we did and the reason for doing it is a common situation in society. In different ways, humans tend to advocate their actions as correct and justified. This is called an apologia.


An apologia is a defense of someone or something.


The term apologia comes from the Latin “apologia.” Some time ago, this term was used by Plato in his work “The Apologia of Socrates.” This text served to argue the defense of Socrates when he was brought to the court of Athens. Socrates was sentenced to death by the court. The motive for the accusation was, according to the court, to corrupt the youth. In his defense, Socrates spoke about the allegations he had and what he had done.


Through his leadership, Socrates stands up for the goals he has always believed in and stands determined for them. He did not retract his ideas or deny his actions. Socrates advocated his defense, arguing why he had done it and why it was not a wrong action.


The apologia can be seen as a justification for objects, people, ideas, or behaviors. A person can create a defense in writing or verbally. The apologia intends to use knowledge and arguments to demonstrate a point of view.


Some examples of apologia are as follows:

  • “Ronnie was in a car accident. However, he says he was not at fault. I think he will have to make a complex apologia in front of the court.”
  • “Yesterday Felipe attended the meeting. His apologia on the issue of climate change was blameless.”
  • “I was swamped. I did not have time to substantiate my apologia.”

In many cases, the apologia works as a justification for the acts. In defending ourselves, we use apologies since we are arguing why we did what we did. We also show that there was no wrong act in what we did.


The use of this defense has led to apologia playing a starring role under the law. The apologia of the crime is the defense that incites people to commit acts contrary to the law. In these cases, criminal behavior is promoted and defended.


Expression is one of the essential factors in apologia. When a person presents a defense, they demonstrate their arguments verbally or in writing. One or more people carry out this defense to support other people, organizations, causes, entities, and beliefs.

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