Thoughts While Shaving
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Happy Birthday to my mom … She would have been 105 years old … born June 4, 1916 … Died April 10, 2004 … at the age of 87. A good lady … If she could see and hear comments today … bet she would say … my, my, my … She lived thru the depression and some difficult times … No stimulus, even in her later days she wanted only what was due her, nothing more…

If you prayed for rain … prayers have been answered … If my calculations are correct, another 3 quarters of an inch or so yesterday at the NWS reporting station at the nearby airport in Elizabethtown … Must have received about 2.5 inches over past 48 to 72 hours … but rainfall totals vary greatly, depending on location … Worth millions to us all, farmers or not…

We could, should receive more. Today’s forecast is for 60% chance of showers and thunderstorms, mainly after 5 p.m. Highs today in the 83 degree range. Tonight, a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms before 11 p.m. and a 20% chance of more rain.

Next best chance for rain, according to the long range forecast, is Sunday … a 50% chance … 40 to 50% chance Monday and Tuesday…

Crops looking good…

Reminder, construction continues on NC 242 between Elizabethtown and Bladenboro … Much needed repavement…

Wonder if praying for our elected leaders at every chance would be better than ‘bad-mouthing’? Just a thought…

Best I can tell, still many working from home … but slowly returning to a more normal work-place setting…

Not sure we need more churches … maybe better attendance at the ones still meeting … Actually, attendance is good at the place where we worship…

Folks still having babies and others dying … some still COVID-19 related…

Not sure I agree with paying more to stay home than to work … This to shall end … at some point…

“You can’t beat the person who never gives up.” Yogi Berra

“I’d rather attempt to do something great and fall, than to attempt nothing and succeed.” Robert H. Schuler

“Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.” Theodore Roosevelt.

robert g hester

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