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by Danna Martínez

Both existential questions and curiosity are inherent aspects of the human being. In the same way, society has struggled to find answers to these questions. Learning, imagination, and resources have allowed human beings to carry out different studies throughout history.

Geography studies the relationship of societies to each other. Likewise, geography examines the relationship of cultures with the space in which they inhabit.

The term geography comes from the Greek words “gea” and “graphos.” The word “gea” means land. On the other hand, the word “graphs” refers to writing.

The object of this science is to explain in depth the phenomena of existence. According to the NatGeo website, “Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time.”

Geography is a study of immense capacity. Within this study are natural and social phenomena. Each subject of research is a vast new field of learning. The main interests of geography focus on the territory, populations, and the relationship between these components.

As a social science, geography seeks to describe each phenomenon in detail. Among those, there are physical, biological, cultural, economic, and social phenomena. Some of the main aspects are the location, how, why, in what way, its history, and influence. However, the study does not end there. The investigation of a fact gives way to the creation of theories and speculations. Some of these theories work as prevention or knowledge of a future event. Others can become fundamental pieces for the development of another study.

The research method of this science is not based solely on its analysis. Different sciences provide functional studies with each other to find precise answers linked to reality. In this way, scientific disciplines can argue or counteract various factors within a subject.

Over time, scientists have sought to explain their studies as well as their veracity. Towards the 20th century, geographers used mathematical and statistical methods as study tools. Years later, the society categorized geographic studies into streams.

The distribution of space, the location of populations within it, and how they socialize with each other are some essential factors in geography. However, geography objects are mainly divided into two: human geography and physical geography. As a result of these two aspects, a wide field of sciences dedicated to specific geography segments is divided.

Geography helps us understand our relationship as a society. In addition to teaching us how we interact with our environment, geography makes an exhaustive study of how other populations can influence us and how we can impact them. Also, geography helps us understand the physical world. In this way, it has been possible to study our planet’s migration, climate, and natural resources.

Knowing and identifying our environment as well as ourselves is the first step to understand its operation and maintain its care.

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