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The Clarkton Lions has a new fundraiser. According to Rusty Marsh with Clarkton Lion’s Club, back in 1979, the women in the Clarkton Lioness Club (which were spouses of the Lions members) made a Cookbook and sold it as a fundraiser.

Marsh stated in an email, “These women used the recipes they had learned that were handed down through the generations. We had a request from several people in the past year wanting to know if copies were still available. We found an original copy in excellent condition, and decided to do a 2nd printing with the assistance of Bladen Office Supply. who had printed the originals.”

He added, “We are selling them for $20 each as an additional fundraiser to support our endowment Harold J. Ingram scholarship at Bladen Community College. They are available for purchase at McDougald’s Store in Clarkton, Clarkton Drug Store, and from our members.”

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