Spread the love

by Blake Proctor

President Terry Nance called the July 13th meeting of Boost the Boro meeting to order at 7 pm; Sunday Allen provided the invocation, and the 23 attendees pledged their allegiance to the flag.

Treasurer Don White presented the year-to-date finance report, and Secretary Ashley Norris read the minutes; both were unanimously accepted.

Scholarship Chair Sunday Allen introduced Cara Beth Lewis to the membership and announced that Cara Beth was the recipient of a $1,000 B-t-B scholarship to attend cosmetology school. Ms. Lewis said she planned to return to Bladenboro and open her own shop in town.

Don White informed the membership that he had attended the July 12th Town Board meeting to discuss the progress with the stage. After much deliberative back-and-forth, it was agreed that four points needed to be addressed:

· What will the finished product look like?
· What will be the backing of the stage area?
· What were the acoustics at and around the stage?
· That the project must be completed by Beast Fest.

Mr. White advised B-t-B that Commissioner Greg Sykes urged that the entire project be put on hold until a professional sound engineer could determine what acoustics were required for the best sound while protecting the interior audio of The Medicine Shoppe.

He said that there was unanimous concurrence from the Commissioners, and Mr. Sykes volunteered to contact Mike Milligan from Milligan Recording Studios on Village Drive to review the acoustics.

Charles Ray Peterson, Chairman of the Beast Fest Project, then queried the status of all the committees; the consensus was that the project is shaping up nicely and all is on schedule. He did, however, appoint several additional people to some understaffed or overworked committees.

The meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm with an audible sigh of relief from attendees.

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