How To Remedy the End of Summer Blues 
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By Cara Beth Lewis 

Whether you are a student or teacher with the end of summer break dreadfully drawing near or simply a lover of sunshine and summer, the end of summer can sometimes be a bummer. However, there are ways to combat this melancholy feeling you may be experiencing as you think of the return to responsibility, the loss of daytime hours, and the drop of temperature.

I have always been a summer-lover and consider myself a bit of a “beach bum.” Some of my best memories take place during the summer, so I understand the “end of summer blues” all too well. Thankfully, I have learned ways to appreciate every season, making life a whole lot more beautiful.

5 Tips from Bladen Online to Fight the Summer Blues:

1. Organize something. 

Whether it be your closet, the foreboding “junk drawer,” your toddler’s toybox, or the shed in your backyard… this is sure to bring a sense of accomplishment upon completion. No matter how big or small, a sense of pride is certain to boost your mood.

2. Out with the old, in with the new. 

While you are organizing, get rid of the things you no longer need. Instead of throwing it away, give the item a new purpose. “Up-cycling” is better for the environment AND better for your wallet! It is refreshing and exciting to see something old made new. If up-cycling doesn’t interest you, consider donating.

3. Play outside… no matter how old you are. 

Make a homemade slip-and-slide for the kids (and yourself!), have a picnic, go for a walk, pick up some litter, play fetch with your dog, visit one of Bladen County’s beautiful parks or lakes, and enjoy the warm sunshine while we still have it. But don’t forget… there is beauty in every season, and fall will bring its beauty after summertime waves goodbye.

4. Create a routine to prepare for the upcoming school year. 

Although this is specifically for students and teachers, this can be applied to anyone’s life. Having a routine can help reduce stress, and it can contribute to a sense of preparedness. If you have a young child who is nervous about returning to school in person, try having a “practice school day” to help them feel ready for the real thing.

5. Reflect and Reminisce Positively. 

Instead of thinking of all the things you didn’t have time to do, focus on the things you DID get to do. “Things end, but memories last forever.” -Unknown.

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