Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingSome days there is very little news….zilch–zero…seems one person is to many…and then others are, very busy…This promises to be a very busy day…so check often…We will keep you updated…

Included today…Bladen County Commissioners meeting, (BladenOnline the only news source covering)…and lots of local sports news…

Had some time to think about Bladen County while on the road…about our rural nature…about new construction…new businesses…hopefully some new job opportunities…concern about the drug problem that is not just a Bladen County problem…a huge problem for many…not just young folks…crosses all demographics…

Love the slower pace….don’t understand those who have no interest in a job….no interest in any effort to better themselves…those who have no problem taking all the government or anyone else has to offer…and will take all you have…those who bring children into the world and expect others to take care of them…now into second and third generation of “takers.”

Sorry, just rambling…

We should never give up…as long as there is hope…

A politician is the one who shakes your hand before the elections and your confidence afterwards.

Quality rather than quantity determines your success.

Opportunity is a bald man with a beard.  You can catch him coming, but you can’t catch him going…

robert g hester

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