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By Cara Beth Lewis

On Monday, Bladen Online asked Bladen County Schools a series of questions regarding Bladen County Schools’ use of the program “Canvas.” Upon emailing Public Information Officer Valerie Newton, we were informed that she is no longer employed by BCS, and were directed to Dr. Antonia Beatty to answer our questions.

Here are the questions we asked:

  • Why did BCS make the switch to Canvas?

  • Has Canvas been successful so far for both students and teachers?

  • Have there been issues with students and teachers navigating this new program?

  • What exactly is Canvas used for in Bladen County schools?

  • Is Canvas a long-term plan for BCS?

At this time, Bladen Online has not received answers to those questions.

However, we did receive answers to questions asked about job vacancies. Read the questions and responses from Dr. Beatty below:

  • Will Ms. Newton be replaced with a new Public Information Officer?  What are the plans regarding replacing her?

Answer: “The position will be advertised as any other vacancy.”

  • There were approximately 30 empty positions in BCS previously. How many of those positions have been filled?

Answer: “Vacancies are a fluid number as positions may be filled, but will not be removed until the local Board of Education has approved the recommendation.  Because I am not sure of the date when you reviewed the posting I cannot tell which of the positions have been filled.”

  • What positions are still vacant?

Answer: “I would direct you to our job vacancies posting on the district website to see a current list of vacant positions.”

  • What actions are being taken to fill these positions?

Answer: “We advertise positions on various platforms including the state application site Teacher Match and TeachNC.   Administrators and supervisors are encouraged to conduct interviews in a timely manner to fill vacant positions as quickly as possible.”

The most current listing of vacant positions can be found here.  Individuals interested in applying for a position will need to complete an application at https://nc.teachermatch.org/signin.do. If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact the Bladen County Schools Human Resources Department at 910-862-4136 ext. 10011.

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