Bladen County
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by Blake Proctor

Chairman Charles Ray Peterson called the October 4th meeting of the County Commission to order at 6:30pm. All Commissioners were present, except Commissioners Dr. Ophelia Munn-Goins and Michael Cogdell, who attended via Zoom.

The Chairman asked for a moment of silence in memory and honor of Donna Cagle, an EMT with Bladenboro EMS who succumbed to Covid-19 on September 22, 2021. Following this respectful pause, the Reverend Jason Lee of Dublin First Baptist Church provided the invocation, evoking Ms. Cagle’s memory.

Miss Tyliah Freeman, a member of the Bladen County 4-H Club, led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Consent Agenda was then quickly approved.

Chairman Peterson led the Commissioners to the front of the dais and invited Miss Freeman and the other 4-H members present to come forward.

Maria Edwards, Clerk to the Board, read a proclamation designating October 3rd to October 9th as 4-H Week in Bladen County. The Chairman then presented a plaque of the proclamation to Miss Freeman.

In Matters of Interest to Commissioners, Commissioner Munn-Goins relayed to the Board a communication she had received from residents of the Carver Creek community, profusely thanking the Board for the road work that had recently been done in their neighborhood; they were very grateful.

Dr. Terri Duncan, Director of Health & Human Services provided a report updating the Board on the Covid status in the county. “I am pleased to report that this is a much better report than previously,” was her first statement as she sat down.

She advised the Board that 49% of the county has had at least the first vaccine dose, while 44% are now fully vaccinated. She also said that there was an ample supply of booster shots available, as well as the third shot of both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

She announced that, statewide, 1,410,902 have been stricken with Covid, leading to 16,719 deaths, a 1.18% death rate; for the county, there have been 92 deaths from 5,319 cases, a 1.72% rate, a noticeable rate reduction. The incidence of active cases in the county has decreased greatly since her last report.

Dr. Duncan then informed the Commission that, of the 92 Bladen deaths 50% have occurred in the three months of July through September. She also stated that studies indicate fully 90% of deaths nationwide can be attributed to those who had not been vaccinated.

She closed her report with the notice that flu vaccinations have started at the Health Department.

Grant Pait, Director of Parks and Recreation, came to the podium to inform the Board that he is having a problem filling concession stand positions; one reason is that the County personal policy disallows immediate family members of county employees from being hired.

He requested a waiver so he could fill a vacancy with the minor son of a county employee. As this is a temporary part-time position, the Board approved the waiver.

A second item, brought up for information, not for action this evening, was a plan to redesign the parking lot at the county park, and pave it; it presently is submerged during wet weather. Additionally, the redesign will greatly increase the available parking spaces, especially those designated as ADA accessible.

During discussion of the matter, Commissioner Munn-Goins opined that the parking lot at the East Arcadia municipal park should also be paved; however, since it is not a county park, there are no funds for that. Commissioner Cogdell wondered out loud if the county could charge for parking’

The price tag for the project would be a maximum of $295,000, including all construction except landscaping. As this was an information-only item, any decision was deferred to a later meeting.

County Manager Greg Martin reviewed the Commission Calendar for the remainder of October and the month of November. He then sought Board approval of the proposed Bladen County Digital Inclusion Plan to provide broadband throughout the county.

Commissioner Munn-Goins asked why East Arcadia was not included in the Plan; Mr. Martin replied that the Plan covers the entire county, even if a neighborhood or town is not mentioned. The Plan was unanimously adopted.

Chairman Peterson announced that the Kelly Dike project is underway, with enginee4ring plans in the works. He wanted people to know the project had not been forgotten.
The evening’s short agenda having been dealt with, the meeting was adjourned at 7:18pm.

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