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This Day In History1608—John Smith’s story of Jamestown’s first days submitted for publication.
1852—Steamer “Atlantic” crossing Lake Erie from Buffalo to Detroit collided with a fishing boat, sinks with 250 aboard.
1889—William Gray patents coin-operated telephone.
1892—US black newspaper “Afro-American” begins publishing from Baltimore.
1907—1st taxicab (NYC)
1914—Carl Wickman begins Greyhound, the 1st US bus line, in Minnesota.
1923—US Steel Corp initiates 8-hour work day.
1933—16th PGA Championship:  Gene Sarazen at Blue Mound CC, Milwaukee.
1944—Jackie Gleason-Les Tremayne show premieres on NBC radio.
1950—US President Harry Truman gives military aid to Vietnamese regime of Bao-Dai.
1961—Construction of the Berlin Wall begins in East Germany.
1969—Temporary Commissioner Bowie Kuhn elected for 7-year term by unanimous vote.
1977—1st test glide of space shuttle.
1981—Last broadcast of “The Waltons” on CBS-TV.
1987—St. Louis Cards outfield sets record of no putouts in a 4-2 game in 13 innings.
1991—US Vice-President Dan Quayle makes a speech attacking lawyers.
1996—Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 3.0.
2004—Hurricane Charley, a category 4 storm, strikes Punta Gordo, Florida and devastates the surrounding area.
2014—Israeli and Palestinian cease fire agreed to on August 8 is extended for another 120 hours to provide time for further negotiations.
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