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FAYETTEVILLE – Two specific projects in the Cape Fear Valley Health System will receive a combined $23 million in earmarked state funds as a result of the recently finalized state budget. Harnett Health will receive $8 million in funding for new behavioral health beds, and the Center for Medical Education will receive a $15 million construction grant.

A third provision, which will provide funds for residencies through Southern Regional Area Health Education Center (SRAHEC) will also benefit Cape Fear.

“We are thankful our state legislators have committed to this funding, which will greatly enhance several areas of operations and patient care in the Cape Fear Valley Health System,” said CEO Michael Nagowski. “We’re especially thankful for the tremendous boost this will give the Center for Medical Education.”

Nagowski said he appreciated the hard work that Representatives Marvin Lucas, Billy Richardson, John Szoka, Diane Wheatley, Howard Penny, John Sauls and Larry Strickland and Senators Jim Burgin, Ben Clark and Kirk deViere put in to make this year’s state budget come together. He also thanked Representatives William Brisson, Charles Graham, Brendan Jones, Garland Pierce and Raymond Smith, and Senators Danny Britt, Brent Jackson and Bill Rabon.

With this additional money, the $33 million construction cost of the Center for Medical Education is now fully funded. The building is currently scheduled to open in the summer of 2022. The Cape Fear Valley Health Foundation, which has focused its current capital campaign on the building and its programs, plans to now turn its fundraising efforts to the center’s programming needs, like endowing faculty positions, outfitting the inside of the facility with state-of-the-art learning environments for residents, equipment to increase the program’s research potential and ability to participate in clinical trials, and other program goals.

“We’ve raised $6.3 million so far from individual and corporate donors through our Caring for the Future campaign,” said Vice President of Foundation Sabrina Brooks. “That included $1.4 million for program support, which is where we will now focus the rest of the campaign.”

The primary purpose of the Center for Medical Education is to allow the health system to increase its number of residency programs beyond the current 10 programs, which will in turn increase the physician workforce available to southeastern North Carolina, Brooks said.

“There are still many opportunities for donors to be a part of this project,” Brooks said. “In addition to the residencies, we’re looking to fund expanding fellowship programs.”

Behavioral Health beds

Currently, there are no dedicated inpatient Behavioral Health beds at either of Cape Fear Valley Health’s hospitals in Harnett County. Harnett Health President Cory Hess said the state funds will allow the creation of a new Behavioral Health service line in Harnett County.

“There’s such a great need, not just in our community but throughout all of North Carolina, for these services,” Hess said. “We’re proud and excited to be able to expand our service offerings with this funding and continue the expansion of behavioral health services that is already happening with the Dorothea Dix Adolescent Behavioral Health Unit on the Fayetteville campus.”

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