Thoughts While Shaving
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Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.comWe are living in troubled times…

Be leery of those who have all the answers…

Troubled waters all around…

Think you are having tough times, look around…

No idea where this trip ends…

Love thy neighbor as thyself…

Pray for our leaders at every level … None among us are perfect … despite those who think they are…

This to will end … when and how, no idea…

I am willing to pay $4 a gallon for gasoline if it helps those fleeing for their life … I will just travel less … I know, some do not have that option…

Pray for mercy for our friends we do not know in Ukraine … and pray for those who are punishing others … Putin…

Pray for those making decisions, hopefully in our best interest … I do not know any person on earth who has all the answers … despite some who think they do.

My thought … this is not about politics … It’s about right and wrong … good and evil…

It’s about doing unto others as we would like for ourselves, our friends, neighbors and family….

Need some knee time…

“Brutal men with unlimited power are the same all over the world.” Mary Boykin Chesnut

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” Albert Einstein

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” Albert Einstein

robert g hester

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