Thoughts While Shaving
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Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.comWow, last day of March 2022 … Spring planting begins soon, political rhetoric increases, primary election is May 17, General Election is Tuesday, November 8…

NCAA Basketball Tournament will be played this weekend. First game Saturday, Villanova vs Kansas @ 6:09 p.m. 2nd game, UNC vs Duke, game time 8:49 p.m. Winners meet Monday, April 4 in championship game @ 9:20 p.m. … All games will be played in New Orleans and telecast on TBS.

NCAA ladies play is set for Friday (tomorrow) in Minneapolis, Minn.
7 p.m. South Carolina vs Louisville on ESPN
9:30 p.m. Connecticut vs Stanford on ESPN
8 p.m. Championship game is Sunday on ESPN

Did you see where a Vietnamese car maker has selected North Carolina for a multibillion-dollar US manufacturing site? Vinfast electric vehicles, including SUVs … Plant will be located in Chatham County southwest of Raleigh … Production expected to start up in 2024.

Keep hearing about all the shortages expected for upcoming planting season … among the latest concern is the possible increase in cost of fertilizer … could be true, could be political … who knows … but if so, could be a problem for farmers in our area…

Remember April Fool when in grade school, humpteen years ago for many of us?…

When to keep your mouth shut … Don’t open your mouth!
“When you don’t have all the facts.” Proverbs 18:13″
“If you may have to eat your words later.” Proverbs 18:21″
“When you are tempted to joke about sin” Proverbs 14:10″

All shared by a friend…

robert g hester

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