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Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.comRecently have observed at various places families getting together. I assume just time to visit, to share, to reminisce … As many know, our Hester family has been getting together weekly for many years … Guess … maybe 25 years or more…

Recently have observed other families doing some of the same, most recently was this week, in fact last evening, a large gathering of folks, many with White Oak ties, I think … sharing a meal, having a good time … Overnight, as I tossed and tumbled, I thought about the days gone by when The Bladen Journal was owned locally and later the Southeastern Times would have reporters, locals all across the county doing little ‘blurbs” about activity in their area … I enjoyed, thought sometimes it was a little amateurish … Guess you could say I was judging … Now, I think back and think about how that kinda held our communities together … I’m a little slow, but now I like that.

Our family has been getting together for mmmm many years, one night a week … mostly Thursday, but occasionally Friday if someone has a conflict … As I observed the large group at a local restaurant, it brought back memories, good memories and I hope we make more as long as I live and keep my right mind…

We (the Hesters’) were thankful for a visit from a nephew who recently completed 6 years in the military, now headed west where he has a job offer … We are blessed … His home area is near Westchester, Va.

Stock market needs a shot in the arm … 1 step forward and several backwards…

Weather? Sunny today, with a high near 86. Clear tonight, with a low near 58. Saturday, sunny with a high near 86.

“If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done.” Ludwig Witttgenstein

“I was young and foolish then; now I am old and foolisher.” Mark Twain

“Children have one kind of silliness, as you know, and grown-ups another kind.” C.S. Lewis

robert g hester

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