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On October 10, 2022, Sheriff James A. McVicker introduced the new victim centered interview room at the Bladen County Sheriff’s Office.  This interview room is the first of its kind in the region.  The interview room will provide victims of violent crimes a place to be interviewed where they can feel physically and emotionally safe.

The idea for these rooms was created by Tracy Matheson, founder of Project Beloved, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that strives to educate, advocate, and collaborate to change the conversation about sexual assault and empower survivors to find their voices. Matheson’s daughter was a victim of sexual assault and homicide in 2017, which inspired the creation of the nonprofit.

The new interview room was created and designed at no cost to the tax payers.  The Bladen County Sheriff’s Office was able to secure a grant from Humanizing the Badge and generous donations from Families First, Inc and Cox Furniture Warehouse.

Sheriff McVicker understands the increasing need for trauma-informed responses during investigations and wants all victims to feel safe and supported.

This new interview room will allow all agencies within Bladen County to interview their victims of violent crimes in a safe, comfortable setting and allow them peace of mind while maneuvering through their traumatic experience.

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