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Contributed by Jim Crayton

Consider the following quote, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” (Edmund Burke circa 1770.) In a letter he wrote to Thomas Mercer prior to the American Revolution he makes a case for the linking of good people being necessary in order to combat evil. By being linked, it is easier to warn of evil intent and to formulate plans to deal with it. If people are dispersed without communication and organization, it is impractical and difficult to mount a resistance to evil. Another quote on the same theme “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one…” Another famous quote made by Lord John Acton; “power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely…”

This was in a letter condemning the abuses of power of some of the medieval popes, kings and others in high authority. 250 years ago, America was trying to escape the tyranny of English rule. Today we need to escape the “rule” of entrenched politicians who constantly conspire to mislead us, manipulating events (sometimes creating them) in order to divide us (divide and conquer)… all for the sake of staying in power. How often have we seen the Constitution trampled by self-serving politicians, often with no consequences?

It’s time for good people to wake up and say no to the evil that is seeking to destroy our land. Unfortunately, just saying no will not be enough. We have to do something significant to make these politicians “feel the heat” and fear the consequences for their actions. Here are some ideas…
2. Be alert when watching any news media. I have seen numerous mis-quotes and misrepresentations of “facts” used to promote specific agendas. I don’t have any confidence in them. Write and email the local TV stations and tell them you will quit watching their station if their news is not unbiased. This threatens to hurt their revenues which are based on viewership and should get their attention. If they don’t stop, quit watching them.
3. Write or email your elected state and national representatives and tell them you are watching them and that your vote will go to those who produce the right results. Tell them you don’t support the liberal socialist agenda. Advocate term limits.
4. Encourage your friends who agree to do the same. Don’t be afraid to discuss politics with them. Unify. Become a community organizer.
5. Participate in “get out the vote” efforts in your neighborhood or community.
6. We need some “protests” of our own. Organize one in your community.
7. Above all don’t “do nothing”.
I’m sure there are is a lot more that can be done. If you have an idea, let me know and I will try to help.

We need leaders on a national scale that are not afraid to put it on the line…think Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Ben Franklin, George Washington and others who risked everything for the cause of a free America.

Above all, VOTE but vote wisely.

*BladenOnline believes in freedom of speech. BladenOnline may publish open letters; however, BladenOnline is not responsible for what is written in the open letters. BladenOnline does not research any information written in the open letters. The readers should investigate and research data distributed in opinionated communication.

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