Spread the love

November 6, 2022

Greetings Mr. Jerome Purdie, On behalf of Bladen County Association of Educators, we are happy to inform you that we support your candidacy for the 2022 seat for Bladen County Board of Education.

After reviewing your interview for endorsement, we are confident that you will support the students and staff of Bladen County Schools in their educational endeavors. We were much impressed with this statement in your interview: “I am running for School Board because I have a passion for public education and believe that the students of Bladen County deserve an equitable education and the resources needed to be successful. Keeping students first is my main priority and making sure that they are receiving a quality education. The faculty and staff of Bladen County Schools are also a main priority. So collectively, my priorities are keeping students first and making sure that the faculty and staff have the necessary resources needed for student success and professional success.”

Our organization is confident you will make a great impact on our students. We are excited for you and wish you the best!
Sincerely, Celeste Lennon
Bladen County Association of Educators President

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