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Helping out in the kitchen:
L/R—Neil King, Luther Wright, Pastor Corey Lyons, Iris Lyons, and Pastor Rudy Ramphal


As part of its outreach to Bladen County military veterans on Veterans’ Day, the Elizabethtown Disabled American Veterans organization provided a free breakfast to area veterans on Friday morning. The breakfast was hosted by the Elizabethtown Baptist Church, and, according to D.A.V. spokesperson Luther Wright, about 30 veterans participated.

Headquartered at 502 S. Cypress Street, the Elizabethtown D.A.V. helps to connect veterans with services and agencies that can enable them to obtain healthcare or disability services for which they are entitled due to their military service, as well as information about the possibility of financial or educational benefits.

As a national organization, the D.A.V. offers services, assistance, and advice, not only to military veterans, but to those who are transitioning out of the military. The Bladen County D.A.V., known as the Robert Curtis Hester Chapter 99 D.A.V., notes that their services are free to veterans and to the families assisting those veterans. As they are quick
to note: No veteran should have to go it alone!

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