Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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Thoughts While ShavingMight want to check your ‘must do’ list for November! Last day of the month is Wednesday…

List could include Christmas shopping, putting up the tree and other decorations, address Christmas Card list ….etc. …

NFL scores … short list…
Panthers 23 – Broncos 10
Late score … Eagles 40 – Packers 33.

Monday night football … Steelers (3-7-0) vs Colts (4-6-1), kickoff 8:15 p.m on ESPN.

Sunday turned out to be a very good day for a parade, despite the weather…

Cantatas and Children’s Plays upcoming … as well as some good home cooked meals…

Ever dream of how it was when you were a youngster? Cut down a small tree, take it home and add home-made decorations … For many, ‘must’ items included a sheet or two of plain paper, crayons, glue and a homemade star at the top … and some type bottom to make sure it would stand-up.

Evil acts all around us … You name it … seems much related to drugs and meanness … I wish someone had the answer … Before a never-ending supply of various forms of drugs, alcohol was the problem … Whatever!!! … Have heard a ‘floggin’ was one tool … years ago.

I thank you for continuing to support BladenOnline … Have a birthday upcoming … February 1, 2008 was the start date … If my math is correct, begin 15th year…

A promise of much needed rain ‘fizzled out.’ At the local airport … a sprinkle…

Forecast for next few hours … Sunny, today with a high near 67 and windy, gusts in the 18 mph range. Clear tonight, low around 42. Tuesday, sunny with a high near 66 and variable wind.

“What happens when people open their hearts? They get better” Haruki Murukami

“Let your heart crumble into an infinite amount of tiny, precious seeds. Then plant love everywhere you go.” Anita Krizzan

“True bravery is being exactly who you are, imperfections included. Vulnerability is the most precious gift you can give.” Sara Bareilles

robert g hester

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