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Bladen County Republicans — and EV’ryone who helped to usher in a conservative Republican victory in November—

There is a LOT of ‘moving parts’ to an election, but without voters becoming a PART of the process — without concerned voters becoming involved and staying informed about how the election process is conducted — we cannot expect to see a victory at the polls.

During the Mid-Term elections this past November, however, Bladen County saw a record number of registered Republican voters step up to offer their time and their energies towards helping to ensure that our voting processes were fair to all, legally conducted, and impartial to every political party. Voters turned out in record numbers, and the result was a sweeping Republican victory, not only for Bladen County, but in multiple Judicial, Congressional, and Senate races thru-out the state! We did well!

In recognition of the volunteer efforts put forth by our candidates, and by our poll workers, assistants, and by the many people who worked so hard in the background to ensure our election victory, the Bladen County Republican Party is hosting a big “THANK YOU” event on Saturday, January 21st, 7-10PM, in the Creekside Room at the Lu Mil Vineyard! Not only is this a Thank You event — it’s going to be a party, too! The Blackwater Rhythm & Blues Band will be there!

There is no charge for the event — just BE THERE — enjoy the evening, and bring friends and family members who helped to support your efforts as well!! A great selection of hors d’oeuvres will be provided, courtesy of Barefoot’s Sandwich Shoppe in Elizabethtown!! (talk about delicious!) AND — don’t forget the outstanding selection of Lu Mil wines, available from the Lu Mil Gift Shop and General Store adjacent to the Creekside Room!

We look forward to seeing you there!!
Wayne Schaeffer
Bladen County Republican Party Chairman

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