Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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Thoughts While ShavingNew Year … same old issues … Political parties spending all or near all their time beating up on each other…

Did you see or hear about a local or state level politician in New Mexico who ran for re-election and received less than 30% of the vote needed for whatever the position he held … and he was hiring hitmen to attack his foes…

Just beginning to look thru expenditures for last year … Federal and state taxes to be dealt with…

If vehicle license plates expire in January, time to pay up…

Time to check spending related to Santa … Ummmmm, not as bad as I thought…

Need a larger mailbox … and what I receive is mostly trash.

Dealing with a few medical issues (like old folks do) … everyone has a suggestion … Actually, for an elderly individual, I am among men most richly blessed…

Saw Coach K on one of the financial channels recently … giving personal and financial advice … Probably a new book, not sure if he said…

Keep checking the calendar to see when our next day off work is … Then realize, every day is a day off for me…

I am thankful for all … and for you for reading ‘my thoughts’.

“Old enough to retire, young enough to enjoy it…”

“”Remember, these are the Golden Years!”

“How are the stars like dentures? They come out at night…”

“Age is an issue of mind over matter … If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter!”

robert g hester

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