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The photo above features Bladen Early College High School, East Bladen High School, and Harrells Christain Academy Beta Club members that performed together at the National Beta Convention.

A Staff Report

Louisville, KY – In a remarkable display of unity and achievement, Bladen County students showcased their collective talent and teamwork at the prestigious 2023 Senior National Beta Convention held at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, Kentucky. Among the twenty-plus thousand registered attendees, the local students’ exceptional accomplishments stood as testaments to the power of education and community collaboration.

The photo above is of National Winner at Beta Convention, Isaiah Loftis from Bladen Early College High School (BECHS).

Among the highlights was the groundbreaking victory of Isaiah Loftis from Bladen Early College High School (BECHS), who etched his name in history by securing the coveted first place in the convention’s Division 1 art competition. His artistic prowess captivated the judges and left an indelible impression.

Jair McElveen, the North Carolina State Senior Beta President representing East Bladen High School (EBHS), displayed outstanding leadership and tenacity. His remarkable performance propelled him to the esteemed position of one of the top three finalists for the National Presidency, bringing immense pride to his school and community. Reflecting on his achievements, McElveen expressed his joy and gratitude for the transformative experience.

Jair McElveen, the North Carolina State Senior Beta President representing East Bladen High School (EBHS), displayed outstanding leadership and tenacity.

McElveen said he is excited about his State Presidency and looks forward to securing more victories at next year’s conventions.

The exceptional talents of Addison Long and Jakob Funes, students from Harrells Christian Academy (HCA), earned them a well-deserved fourth place in the National Performing Arts Solo, Duo, Trio-Variety Act category. Their remarkable journey began with a first-place triumph at the North Carolina State Beta Convention, and their success reverberated through their school community. HCA proudly commended these gifted Crusaders for sharing the talents bestowed upon them by the divine.

Addison Long and Jakob Funes, students from Harrells Christian Academy (HCA), earned them a well-deserved fourth place in the National Performing Arts Solo, Duo, Trio-Variety Act category. Photo courtesy of HCA.

HCA stated in a social post, “We are so proud of these two Crusaders for sharing the talent God has given them!”

Along with HCA students Long and Funes, Danyelle Cotten from EBHS entertained the thousands in the audience as “Premier Performers” during the National Senior Beta Club Convention. Their melodious voices graced the stage, resonating with the attendees’ hearts as they performed the national anthem and provided other captivating vocal entertainment.

With the unwavering support and collaboration of Harrells Christian Academy and Bladen Early College High School, East Bladen High School’s Beta Club secured an extraordinary second place nationwide in the fiercely contested National Campaign Skit competition.

An inspiring testament to unity emerged as local students from different schools, both public and private, joined forces to compete. With the unwavering support and collaboration of Harrells Christian Academy and Bladen Early College High School, East Bladen High School’s Beta Club secured an extraordinary second place nationwide in the fiercely contested National Campaign Skit competition. Their collective efforts demonstrated that notable accomplishments are within reach when communities come together.

Each participating school returned home with impressive awards as shining beacons of achievement. Their triumphs showcased the immense potential that lies within communities when they unite in pursuit of shared goals.

EBHS Beta Clubbers’ parents bragged about the Senior Betas sponsors, Ms. Sabra Ludlum and Mrs. Cheryl West.

EBHS Beta Clubbers’ parents bragged about the Senior Betas sponsors, Ms. Sabra Ludlum and Mrs. Cheryl West. “Ms. Ludlum and Mrs. West did an outstanding job with our teens; we are very thankful for them. They took them to the state convention, worked hours upon hours, and then to the National Beta Convention sacrificing time with their families on Father’s Day weekend. We couldn’t ask for better teachers and mentors than Ms. Ludlum and Mrs. West!”

BECHS posted kudos for their sponsor, Ms. Meehan. Photo provided by of BECHS.

BECHS posted kudos for their sponsor on their social site, saying, “We have to stop a minute and brag on our Beta sponsor – Ms. Meehan. I have absolutely no idea how she pulled all of this off. She taught, went to the state convention and posted win after win, posted phenomenal EOC scores, taught summer school, hosted practices, traveled to Southport to work with a voice coach, organized a trip for 13 to Louisville, and made each one of these kiddos feel like they were the most special one on the trip. Not to mention bringing home a National winner.”

The 2024 National Beta Convention will be held at the Savannah International Convention Center in Savannah, Georgia.

About National Beta Club:

The National Beta Club continues to be the largest independent, non-profit, educational youth organization in America. For more than 80 years, it has helped to shape students into becoming the leaders of tomorrow. Find out more at www.betaclub.org

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