Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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Thoughts While ShavingStormy weather yesterday, not that far away … A tornado near Rocky Mount … spoke to a friend in the area late Wednesday … who resides slightly northwest of the path of the storm, about a mile away … He reported one plant located next to the interstate suffered substantial damage … employees were sent home … I-95 traffic was rerouted for a time … but traffic was flowing well, later…

A home, work, play, near the local airport is planned … been talked about for sometime. I am convinced the project will happen …. growth likely determined by availability of funding … More later…

Did you know workers outside the county are being bussed in daily … and many locals are traveling outside the county to work … not likely to ever end … One need, not spoken about as much, is child-care … Many mom’s want to work, need to work, but not at the expense of inadequate child care…

Many of us enjoy sports … local, across the US and beyond … Activity increases about this time of the week … NASCAR, PGA (male and female), Baseball … soon football and more … locally and across this great land … Columbus County’s MacKenzie Gore is scheduled to pitch today, tomorrow or the weekend in a Nationals-Phillies series. The 24 year old has a bright future … struggles from time to time, one writer described him as ‘an ace in the making’…

Weather is always an issue … lately, hot weather, and not likely to change soon … The forecast sounds like a broken record … skips a beat occasionally … but few changes…

Showers and thunderstorms are possible today. Mostly sunny, with a high near 91 … heat index as high as 101 and a 50% chance or rain. Same type weather tonight, low near 75 and a 50% chance of rain. Friday, a 20% chance of rain. Mostly sunny, high near 95 and windy with gusts as high as 16 mph.

Appears to be a huge crowd at White Lake … all anxious to relax, sun, swim and shop … and eat…

Bladen County ‘Back to School’ date is around the 29th of August … about 5 weeks or so away … but who’s counting?

Anyone object to a short time with no political news?

“Watch and pray, dear, never get tired of trying, and never think it is impossible to conquer your faults” Louisa May Alcott

“In those things toward which we exerted our best endeavors we succeeded.” George Samuel Clason

“We can’t allow ourselves to be frightened into not living our lives … We have to keep going with the faith that things will get better … And things will get better when we make them better.” Oprah Winfrey

robert g hester

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