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A Staff Report

Bladenboro, NC — Aiden Russ, a 16-year-old student at West Bladen High School and a Boy Scouts of America Troop 600 member, is making a mark on the community with his impressive efforts to revitalize the town’s aesthetic appeal. The son of Joseph and Natalie Russ, Aiden has undertaken a commendable project in partnership with the Bladenboro non-profit, Boost the Boro, Inc., showcasing his dedication to community improvement.

Aiden’s project, which is now in its final stages, focuses on enhancing the downtown area of Bladenboro by restoring its benches. A Boost the Boro, Inc. member, Joyce Walters, gave Aiden the idea. She explained that these benches, a fixture of the town’s landscape, had seen better days, showing signs of wear and weathering.

Aiden recognized the significance of these benches in providing residents and visitors a place to rest and gather. He saw Walters’ idea as an opportunity to rejuvenate the town’s physical appearance and create a more welcoming and inviting atmosphere for everyone.

The young scout’s initiative involved careful planning, fundraising, and resource management. With the support of anonymous donors and the assistance of four dedicated volunteers, Aiden embarked on the honorable task of refurbishing the downtown benches. He coordinated the project, ensuring that each step was carried out efficiently and effectively.

Aiden’s dedication to his community shines through in the remarkable effort he has invested. Over a span of 108 hours, he and his volunteers poured their time and energy into sanding, repainting, and repairing the benches. His commitment to quality craftsmanship is evident in the attention to detail he has displayed, transforming these benches into pieces that the community can take pride in.

“I wanted to give back to my town and make a positive impact,” Aiden shared. “These benches have been a part of Bladenboro for so long, and I wanted to make the restoration of the benches my project so that the benches can continue to serve the community for years to come. Trying to keep the paint clean and off of the sidewalk was the hardest part.”

Aiden’s project has garnered local recognition and has been submitted for review to the Scout board. He is poised to receive the prestigious Eagle Scout award in September 2023 if approved. The Eagle Scout rank is the highest achievement attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program, and it signifies a scout’s dedication, leadership, and commitment to community service.

Boost the Boro, Inc., the non-profit that partnered with Aiden on his project, has praised his efforts as a model of community engagement. “Aiden’s project exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism and the power that one individual can have in driving positive change. We are grateful for his hard work and dedication to making Bladenboro a better place,” remarked Terry Nance, Boost the Boro President.

As Aiden’s project nears completion, he says, “Obtaining the Eagle Scout is hard to accomplish, but it is very exciting.”


Aiden and his family express their gratitude to each individual who played a role in supporting Aiden throughout his remarkable scouting journey. Additionally, they extend their heartfelt appreciation to the dedicated members of Boost the Boro, Inc. for their invaluable contributions to the success of his scout project.

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