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A Staff Report

The Bladen County Board of Education is gearing up for its regularly scheduled meeting, scheduled to take place on Monday, September 18, at 6:00 pm. The meeting will be held in the Board Room at the District Administration Building, and it promises to be an important gathering as the Board addresses a variety of vital educational matters.

Here is a breakdown of the meeting’s agenda:

Call To Order (1.01)

Chairman Benton will commence the meeting with a formal call to order, setting the stage for a productive session.

Invocation (2.01)

Mr. Clark will lead the attendees in an invocation, providing a moment of reflection before delving into the evening’s proceedings.

Pledge of Allegiance (3.01)

The meeting will continue with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, led by students from Plain View Primary School. Their participation highlights the strong community ties within Bladen County.

Adoption of the Agenda (4.01)

Chairman Benton will call for the approval of the agenda for the meeting, ensuring that all items are properly organized and addressed.

Approval of Consent Agenda (5.01 – 5.03)

Several items are up for approval under the consent agenda, including the meeting minutes from the August 14, 2023 Regular Scheduled Meeting, a Distribution Request for the Needs Based Capital Fund for Tar Heel School, and considerations related to Exceptional Children and Contracted Services.

Spotlights and Recognitions (6)

This segment will showcase notable achievements and individuals within the education community, highlighting their contributions and successes.

Citizen Participation (7)

Citizen participation is an opportunity for community members to voice their thoughts and concerns if they were approved before the meeting according to Board policy.

Information Items (8.01 – 8.05)

The Board will receive updates on various topics, including the Tar Heel School Construction Project, the FY 22-23 Audit Report, an overview of the 2022-23 Accountability Results, a preliminary review of School Improvement Plans for Low Performing Schools, and an introduction to SB49 – Parents’ Bill of Rights Overview.

Read more about the Parents’ Bill of Rights at this link: Parents Bill of Rights

Action Items (9.01 – 9.02)

The Board will take action on important matters, including special custom policy updates related to the Parents Bill of Rights and the approval of a proposed bid package for Tracks.

Closed Session (10.01 – 10.03)

The Board will enter a closed session to discuss certified/classified personnel, student transfers, and legal issues.

Closed Session Action Items (11.01)

After the closed session, the Board will address personnel action items.

Matters of Interest to Board Members (12)

Board members will share any relevant matters of interest with their colleagues and the public.

Chair’s Report (13)

The Board Chair will provide a report, updating attendees on key developments and initiatives.

Superintendent’s Report (14)

The Superintendent will offer insights and updates on the state of the school district.

Adjourn (15)

The meeting will conclude with an official adjournment.

The agenda items cover a wide range of topics, and the public’s participation and interest are highly encouraged. The meeting is an opportunity for stakeholders to engage with the educational decision-making process and stay informed about the future of education in Bladen County.

Watch last month’s Bladen County Board of Education meeting on the school district’s YouTube channel, Bladen Livestream, linked below.

The Bladen County Board of County Commissioners also have a meeting scheduled for Monday, September 18, 2023. Find out more about it at:

Bladen County Board of Commissioners Set Agenda for September 18 Meeting

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