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A Staff Report

Bladen County, North Carolina – As we head into the crisp and colorful days of autumn, the Bladen County Board of Commissioners is gearing up for its October meeting. On Sunday, October 16, 2023, the Commissioners will convene at 6:30 pm in the Commissioners’ Room, situated on the lower level of the historic Bladen County Courthouse at 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. This meeting is poised to address a variety of issues and initiatives significant to the county. 

For those who are interested in attending the meeting or obtaining a more detailed version of the agenda, Maria Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager and Clerk to the Board, has made the materials available online. To access the complete agenda, you can follow this link.

Additionally, for those who may not be able to attend the meeting in person, there’s an option to listen remotely. By dialing 571-317-3122 and using the access code 377-006-581, you can stay informed and engaged with the proceedings from the comfort of your own location.

While the full agenda is available for review, here are a few noteworthy items that will be discussed during the upcoming meeting:

1. Community Development Updates: An important aspect of the meeting will include updates on ongoing community development projects and initiatives. Bladen County has been proactive in enhancing the quality of life for its residents, and this update is expected to provide insight into the progress of various projects.

2. Public Input: As with every Board of Commissioners meeting, members of the public will have the opportunity to voice their concerns, suggestions, and comments regarding issues pertinent to the county. Public input is a vital part of the decision-making process, and the Commissioners encourage active community participation.

3. Budget and Financial Matters: Managing the county’s finances is a top priority, and during this meeting, the Commissioners will discuss budget-related topics, financial reports, and any potential fiscal adjustments or allocations.

4. County Infrastructure: The maintenance and development of county infrastructure are ongoing responsibilities. The meeting will likely address updates on infrastructure projects, road maintenance, and other relevant matters.

5. County Services: The county offers a range of essential services to its residents. These services will be under review, and discussions may involve improvements, expansions, or enhancements to better serve the community.

6. Community Engagement Initiatives: Community engagement remains a central focus for the Board of Commissioners. Expect to hear about upcoming community events, outreach programs, and initiatives designed to bring the community closer together.

These gatherings are a key part of local governance, allowing for transparency, community engagement, and the discussion of crucial issues affecting the county.

To stay informed, be sure to follow the link to access the detailed agenda, or listen in remotely using the provided access code. Your participation, whether in person or from afar, is a valuable contribution to the community’s progress and well-being.

View the last Bladen County Board of Commissioners meeting on their YouTube Channel linked below:


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