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Attendance was well above average at the Monday evening meeting for the Bladen County Board of Commissioners. The first part of the Commissioners’ meeting was held in the Superior Court room due to crowd of people needing seats. 

Two of the major issues the public wanted to hear about and some even wanting to speak about were the proposal of school closings and the needs of Bladen County EMS.

Mr. George Keiper, Ms. Sabrina Murchinson, Mr. Joseph Rouzer, Ms. Helen Keiper and Ms. Jennifer McMillan all address the Commissioners about the proposed school closings. Some of the community members explained why they did not want the schools to close and asked questions, others gave ideas on how to handle the closings in a different way, and then one, thanked the commissioners for their support of our area schools and for shedding new light on the situation.

Bringing new plans for the board to think about Ms. Sabrina Murchinson stated she was bringing a “Vision and proposal” based on facts she received from the Board of Education courtesy of Ms. Valerie Newton. Murchinson’s proposal suggested consolidating the 13 Bladen County schools down to nine (9). She gave numbers of how many students and how many teachers are at each school. She said, “It needs to be fair.”

Mr. Joseph Rouzer asked some questions along with giving testimony about what Plainview Primary School means to his community. “Where do the lottery funds go? What will Bladen County tax payers save?” are some of the questions by Rouzer. He said, “I ask you to look at your fund balance. Put yourself in these communities’ shoes before you make your decisions.”

Ms. Helen Keiper showed appreciation for the Commissioners. She said, “You have enlighten me on somethings. I appreciate you all stood firm and it sounds like the Board of Education are not using the fund correctly. I don’t want our tax dollars squandered.”

Commissioner Peterson responded to the concerned citizens by reminding everyone, “While State funding has declined, Bladen County funding has not declined.”

According to a report by the NC Public School Forum ranked Bladen County 78th out of 100 NC counties in fiscal ability to support public schools in FY 2013. The same report, however, ranked Bladen 29th out of 100 NC counties in its relative effort to support public schools.

Commissioner Peterson addressed two issues the public should have had their attention on for a while now because the two issues have been discussed numerous times at public meetings. One of those issues was Bladen County Board of Education spending the capital outlay fund earmarked for capital needs according to the budget in the General Fund.The capital outlay fund is earmarked to only be spent on capital needs for our county schools.

Peterson spoke about the $1.2 million from the Capital Outlay Fund being spent in the general fund in 2014. He said, “Then, in May of this year, near the end of the 2015 fiscal year, the Board of Education requested the Board of Commissioners to approve another transfer to $495,000 from the Capital Outlay to the General Fun in order to meet it’s financial obligations. In accordance with NC General Statute, the Board of County Commissioners could not legally approve the transfer. Therefore, the Board of Commissioners ultimately appropriated $350,000 from (Bladen County) Fund Balance so Bladen County Schools could pay it’s bills.”

Commissioner Peterson also addressed three times the Board of Commissioners called for a referendum to give the citizens of Bladen County the opportunity to approve an additional one-quarter percent sales tax. Peterson said, ” Even though the revenue could legally be used for any county purpose, the Board of Commissioners chose to earmark the proceeds specifically for Bladen County Schools. However, each referendum the voters soundly defeated this measure.”

He then explained, “The Board of Commissioners cannot enact the additional one quarter percent sales tax without voter approval. The legislation authorizing the sales tax requires the approval by the voters of the county.

Ms. Sandra Guions, a concerned citizen, addressed the Board of Commissioners requesting funding for the EMS department. She said, “I would like to see the supervisors get their QRV’s (Quick Response Vehicle) back at their homes. David Howell (EMS Chief) needs 6 employees. You can’t put a price tag on a life.”

Howell gave a presentation to the board of commissioners about the EMS Mission, the needs of the department and the current situation they are facing with the current needs. To view Howell’s full presentation click here.

The commissioners asked Howell to bring more information back to them to form a better decision.

Other items addressed at the meeting…

Budget Amendments, County Attorney Invoices, Tax Refunds and Releases, and NC Cardinal Grant Application

The Animal Control Board gave a detail presentation about the progress of Bladen County Animal Control and Shelter. Click here to read more.

A public hearing about a rezoning project request in reference to a lot at 4088 US HWY 701, White Lake. The request was approved. Find out more by clicking here.

The Commissioners did approve the Two (2) Lottery Fund Application for Capital Improvements at Elizabethtown Middle School. Sharon Penny, Bladen County Schools Finance Officer presented the request to the commissioners. The first is for $325,810 to replace the roof over the main building and the band room at Elizabethtown Middle School. The second application is to replace two air conditioning units on the roof over the main building at Elizabethtown Middle School.

Greg Martin, Bladen County Manager presented the Financial Dashboard for the period ending August 31st, 2015.

Cris Harrelson, Health and Human Services Director gave a shock to many by announcing his resignation. His last day is scheduled for October 9th. Harrelson also presented the memorandum of agreement with the NC Incredible Years Network for the Young Families Connect Program. Commissioners approved the memorandum.

Harrelson also asked for the approval of the Home Health Advantage agreement. He said Home Health Advantage would assist Bladen County with the ICD-9 coding for billing purposes. The agreement was approved.

Director Robert Mazur asked the commissioners to consider approving the Maintenance agreement addendum with ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation regarding a moderization project. He reminded the commissioners the elevator is over 50 years old and if needed parts are not available for repairing the elevator. Mazur received approval on the addendum along with approval on new uniform and wireless agreements.

Mary Bellamy was appointed to the Keep Bladen Beautiful advisory board, Russell Patterson and Joyce Walters were appointed to the Voluntary Agricultural Districts Committee, and Lorenza Graham, Terry Macon, and Horace Munn were appointed to the Watershed Review Board by the Bladen County Commissioners.

The commissioners also approved the ECS Carolinas, LLP to Perform Special Inspections for Law Enforcement and Detention Center Project.

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