Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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thoughts while shavingChecking news for today … Weather tops the topic … Sunny with a high near 56 … and windy … hold your bonnet or hat … windy, gusts as high as 23 mph. Clear skies tonight with a low around 31 … more wind. Wednesday, sunny with a high near 55, winds gusting as has as 21 mph.

Hopefully, the wind subsides soon … for a while. The possibility of rain returns to the forecast Sunday, Sunday night and Monday…

Waiting patiently for good news related to an EDC announcement … hopefully, coming soon.

Related … but in the past … 1965 … Ground breaking ceremony for Veeder Root … Company has changed names a few times … still one of the best, most dependable industries ever in this area … more later … We could use more Veeder Root type businesses … G. Ellis Clark was Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Cecil Edge was Elizabethtown Mayor, Mr. Chatham C. Clark was Chairman of the Bladen County Industrial Board … Mr. W.C. Stauble, President of Veedor Root, was a speaker … Invocation and Benediction by Rev. Fred Davis … There were many others involved … Governor Dan Moore was speaker at the opening ceremonies later…

‘Bout forgot … February 1, 2007 … or was it ’08? … BladenOnline began providing news to the area … It’s been an interesting journey … worth the effort for sure … Thanks to Charlotte Smith and others for their continuing efforts…

How long before it’s warm enough to “get in the water,” at White Lake, Jones Lake and other lakes and ponds?

Bladen County’s population has dropped by a few thousand over the past few years … Need opportunities for young folks … hopefully on the way.

“Great leaders believe they work for their team, average leaders believe their team works for them.”

“Be so positive that negative people don’t want to be near you.”

“Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.”

robert g hester

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