Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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thoughts while shavingHave folks comment on my heading from time to time … No special thing I remember about ‘Thoughts’ … Used it, like it and years later, still using it…

Before I get too deep into recent thoughts … Check You Tube TV, Columbus County Community College … for an event featuring #1 son on his early days there … Rick Hester…

Now, back to regular ‘Thoughts’ … It is an unusual April, weather-wise … How many times in your life and mine have temps been in the upper 80s this early, actually a 90 degree day recently…

Yesterday’s high was 89 … cooler days expected in the next few days.

A chance of showers and thunderstorms today, mainly after 3 p.m. Mostly sunny with a high near 84 … 30% chance of rain. Tonight, same type forecast with a low around 61 … Again, a 30% chance of precipitation, higher amounts possible in thunderstorms.

Saturday, a chance of showers and thunderstorms after 2 p.m. with a high near 82 … again, 30% chance of rain. We can expect the same type of forecast for the next few days … Lows in the 50s and highs in the 70s for a few days…

Plans for the weekend????

Check our Events section for a partial list of activities in our area…

Bladen County is blessed with great restaurants in most towns in the area … Remember when there were few, many not so good … I remember Nance’s BBQ in Butters … (it was good, very good) … One of the best … Great place for young folks to hang out … and I did … Back to now … good restaurants, wide range of food, across the area … I love checking them out … did last evening in Tar Heel…

It will be lake season soon … Bladen is a great place to fish, golf, live, work and play … No cooking at our place … Cook is on strike and has been for some time … Cook actually retired…

“April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks, “Go!” Christopher Morley

“Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them.” Steve Maraboli

“Sweet April showers do bring flowers” Thomas Tusser

robert g hester

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