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LAKE WACCAMAW (April 25, 2024) – Debating whose house parent made the best fried chicken, checking in on how a fellow alumnus was doing now, or discussing the legendary size of former director Rube McCray’s hands were just a few topics Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina (BGHNC) alumni discussed during homecoming weekend. Alumni enjoyed a dinner Friday night (April 19) at Dale’s Seafood in Lake Waccamaw and activities, tours, and awards on Saturday (April 20) on the campus of BGHNC.

About 145 people attended the event, which was the largest alumni gathering in many years. Former staff members Jimmie Tutor and Rebecca Wray, current staff member Jonathan Crawley, and alumna and former staff Jasmine Patrick received Difference Maker awards. Malik Parker and Rachel Winger received Distinguished Alumni awards.

Alumni pored over books of photos and piles of loose pictures, pointing out kids they recognized to help the organization continue to archive its history in its 70th year.

Throughout Saturday’s events, 14 alumni joined the BGHNC Alumni Story Network, stepping into the story booth in the BGHNC Fellowship Hall to record their stories through the StoryCorps app so their histories will be preserved in The Library of Congress.

The alumni and former staff awards were a special time to reflect on the resilience of people who have lived and worked at Boys & Girls Homes in its seven decades.

“I do thank you for being a part of my life and for making a difference in my life,” said BGHNC Alumni Association incoming president Jasmine Patrick as she gave Jimmie Tutor his Difference Maker award. Former Interim CEO Rebecca Wray “made me feel valued and heard when nobody else would,” said BGHNC alumna Tawni Oberschelp as she gave Ms. Wray her Difference Maker award. Of distinguished alumni Malik and Rachel, who met at BGHNC, President Marc Murphy said: “The couple has remained in touch with Boys and Girls Homes, frequently visiting to speak with leadership and youth to provide inspiration,” he said. “They continue to serve as ambassadors for the organization sharing their experience and the difference that Boys & Girls Homes has made in their lives.”

**Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina**
Headquartered in Lake Waccamaw, NC since 1954, Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina has served more than 7,500 children as a not-for-profit, 501(c)3 agency. Its mission is to provide a comprehensive array of services for children and youth who have been removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect, or other family challenges. BGHNC offers adoption, family and therapeutic foster care, Success Coach services to prevent children from coming into foster care, and free children’s therapy, as well as residential care on the campus at Lake Waccamaw. The campus features a SACS-accredited charter school with a middle and high school curriculum, vocational education, recreation facilities, farm, equine therapy, and a chapel. BGHNC is nationally accredited by the Council on Accreditation. To learn more, please visit Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina’s website at https://boysandgirlshomes.org/.

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